Dance Show Filming In Essex

Looking for Dance Show Filming in Essex?

Here are just some of the theatres we've worked in Essex: Brentwood Theatre, Essex; The Ramsey Academy, Halstead.

Professional Dance and School Show Filming

We're experts in capturing a wide range of live performance, from Dance Show Filming to professional and amateur theatre school productions and nursery nativities. We film School productions plays, musicals and concerts and produce great videos to provide a lasting record of the event. High quality audio is a key feature of all our films and we use three professional HD cameras to achieve results to be proud of. We don't charge for filming; The cost of the filming is covered through the sale of DVD or Digital Downloads, the sales price depends on your minimum order.

Free Show Filming

All our costs are met through sales, we don't charge anything else

Digital Downloads

We offer both DVD and Digital formats. Our Digital Download platform provides each purchaser with a unique code which they can use to redeem their copy of the film.

Per Participant Pricing

Want everyone to have the film? We offer per participant pricing, from as low as £8 per performer, (pricing depends on number of performers, ask us for pricing)

Top Quality

We prioritize top-notch quality in everything we do. Whether we're filming a nursery school play or professional theatre.

We possess the unique expertise needed to film short plays tailored for Nursery, Preparatory, and Primary schools. At School Video, we understand that your young performers have limited time on stage.

We follow the storyline while ensuring that every member of the cast gets their well-deserved moment in the spotlight.

Here are a selection of shows we've filmed in Essex:

Speech Day 2024

St Margarets Prep School

Speech Day 2024

Halstead, Essex

XX Re-Imagined

Ilaz Dance Company

XX Re-Imagined

The Lakeside Theatre, Essex Uni, Colchester. Essex

In Essex we have so far filmed:

Clients and Venues

